A long time provider for the Frontier, Pan Galactic Corporation accelerated into the Star Fighter business when they funded Mercenary Starbase
BF-1 Gunfighter (light fighter)
HS: 1 HP: 5 Powerplant: twin sub-ion A ADF: 5 MR: 6 DCR: 30 Crew: 1 Armament: PL Defenses: RH Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, Auto-Eject Module, Streamlined
Computer Alarm (2), Analysis (3), Astrogation (1), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (2), Drive (3), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon (1), Life Support (1), Maintenance (2)
Once PGC got word of WarTech's Pod Laser system, they were quick to design the first fighter craft to support the new weapon system. Small, quick, and agile but it couldn't take much of a beating in combat, nevertheless it made history as the first laser armed fighter craft in the Frontier and some local militias use the craft for its low maintenance and cheap ownership. SFC typically transfers new graduates to a militia who allows them to use the Gunfighter in their first live weapons firing exercises. |
RF-41 Seeker (reconnaissance fighter)
HS:1 HP:8 Powerplant: four Ion A drive ADF:5 MR:3 DCR:30 Crew:1-2 Armamament: PL, IC Defenses: RH, optional DS(5hp) Communication/Detection: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, AEM, Streamlined (S model includes 1/2 camera system, energy sensor, and sensor jamming equipment)
Computer Alarm (4), Analysis (4), Astrogation (4), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (6), Damage Control (4), Drive (3), Information Storage (2), Laser Cannon (1) x2, Life Support (1), Maintenance (4)
The original F-41 design was a lower budget competitor to WarTech's I-76 heavy fighter, but it failed to match the Enforcer's payload and versatility. Hence it became converted over to a Reconnaisance Fighter with optional sensor and jamming packages, and filled this role very well. Ion Cannons allow the craft to capture fleeing vessels as well, preserving their crew and cargo for questioning and observance afterwards. And the Pod Laser system also allows for more permanent damage to be inflicted. The ship allows for two crew members but can be operated by a single pilot for most non-recon or insystem duties. The craft is interstellar capable, a first for HS:1 designations.
P-4 Ranger (tactical fighter)
HS:1 HP:8 Powerplant: twin SC/Ion "A" ADF:5(6)* MR:5 DCR:30 Armamament: PL, AR(x1) Defenses: RH Communication/Detection: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, AEM, Streamlined Crew:1
Computer Alarm (2), Analysis (3), Assault Rocket (1), Astrogation (1), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (2), Drive (3), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon (1), Life Support (1), Maintenance (2)
Several groups demanded a high-tech fighter platform during formation of the Star Fighter Corps. The Pan Galactic/Yayax Transport P-4 Ranger is the first major success in the Star Fighter field and filled that role well, and SFC was quick to contract the design too. An anamoly was soon discovered following the first few armed test flights. Once the rocket payload was delivered the ship's drives were able to boast some extra power, a trait the pilots got a good kick out of that suited the "need for speed". This anamoly allows the P-4 to deliver its payload against larger targets and get out quickly, should said targets survive. |
PF-5 Shadow Star (star fighter)
HS: 1 HP: 8 Powerplant: 5 Chemical A ADF: 5 MR: 5 DCR: 25 Crew: 1-2 Armament: PL (long range) Defense: RH Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, Auto-Eject Module, Streamlined
Computer Alarm (5), Analysis (3), Astrogation (1), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (5), Drive (1), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon (1), Maintenance (5)
The PF-5 Shadow Star is a relic of a design, dating back to before the first Sathar War. It was the Frontier's earliest star fighters and the first from Pan Galactic, who still produces the craft today albeit through special order. The design is simple yet effective, and has been retrofitted over the decades to keep up with modern fighter technology. The original assault rocket system was replaced by a long range pod laser system for civilian use, although military contractors may order them with the three rocket system instead. Life support is also not included but available as an option. It still boasts the original yet updated design on all five of its chemical drives, making it very affordable for purchase and regular use. Very few militias or government subsidies incorporate the PF-5, for the most part it will be in the service of private operations such as civilian businesses and occassionally used by pirates as well.
FX-4 Lightning Bolt
HS: 1 HP: 8 Powerplant: 2 dual sub-Atomic A ADF: 6 MR: 5 DCR: 30 Crew: 1 Armament: PL(x2, linked), AR(x2, linked) Defenses: RH
The FX-4 is PGC's first advanced tactical entry into the Star Fighter Corps. It's quad-drive design allows for a larger payload and better performance. PGC is concerned that the design may be compromised after discovering some vital information was misplaced, but regardless the upcoming release date has not changed and SFC pilots should be enjoying this prospective craft very soon. |
SF-22 Paladin
HS: 2 HP: 15(16 for SF-24) Powerplant: 2 sub-Atomic A ADF: 6 MR: 4 DCR: 40 Crew: 1-2 (1-4 for SF-24) Armament: PL(LR), AR(x2) Defenses: RH, DS(6HP)
The Paladin was PGC's entry in the heavy tactical fighter race. A very effective craft for squadron ops but not as reliable for solo duty, nonetheless a fine craft but just not up to SFC standards. A wider 2+2 version (depicted below) is also available, with seating for four and an extra hull point.
